Interpreter Events and
Professional Development Opportunities
Trial and Parole
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
May 16, 2020
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Topics covered:
The accused's right to trial
Presumption of innocence until the accused is convicted or discharged of the offence under section 730 of the criminal code
The Crown's burden in proving guilty beyond reasonable doubt
Benefit of doubt
Sentencing and if imprisonment, parole thereafter
Lots for us to learn in both English and Mandarin at the same time!
Questions and Discussions.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Impaired driving
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Date: May 9, 2020
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Impaired driving, a significant threat to public safety, has become a leading criminal cause of death and injury in Canada.
What are the legal arguments, defenses, and sentences upon conviction? What is BAC? What is the presumption of identity and accuracy?
There is so much out there for us to learn and explore!
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Exploring general knowledge of civil cases before superior court/small claims court
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
April 25, 2020
a. Knowledge of Superior Court/Small Claims court case procedures
b. Proceedings/events that will likely to involve an interpreter
c. Challenges faced by interpreters in each step
Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Common terms used in civil cases before superior court/small claims court
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Date May 2, 2020
a. Contract law
b. Tort law
c. Construction Law
d. Other
Speaker: Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Challenges in oral interpretation on civil cases before superior court/small claims court
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
May 9, 2020
1:15pm to 4:15pm
a. Challenge analysis
b. Strategies
Role Play 1: Examination for discovery
Role Play 2: Cross-examination out of court
Role Play 3: Examination/cross-examination during a trial
Speaker: Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Challenges in sight translation of documents to be used in civil cases before Superior Court/Small Claims court
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
May 16, 2020
a. Agreement of purchase and sale of a house
b. Lease of a commercial property
c. Documents in Chinese vs Documents in English
Speaker: Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Explore general knowledge of family cases before family court
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
May 23, 2020
a. Knowledge of family cases before family court procedures
b. Proceedings/events that will likely to involve an interpreter
c. General challenges faced by interpreters/translators in each step
d. Common terms used in family cases before family court
Speaker: Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Challenges of oral interpretation on cases before family court
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
May 30, 2020
Interpretation on family cases
a. Challenge analysis
b. Strategies
Case study 1: Mediation
Case study 2: Examination/cross-examination during a trial
Speaker: Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
Challenges on sight translation of documents to be used in family cases before family court
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
June 6, 2020
a. Separation agreement
b. Financial disclosure
Speaker: Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Exploring general knowledge of cases before Landlord & Tenant Board
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
June 13, 2020
a. Knowledge of Landlord & Tenant Board and other administrative tribunals procedures
b. Proceedings/events that will likely to involve an interpreter
Speaker: Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Landlord & Tenant board general terms
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
June 20, 2020
Landlord & Tenant Board general terms
a. General terms of common cases before the Landlord & Tenant Board and other administrative tribunals
b. Challenges of interpretation/sight translation on cases before the Landlord & Tenant Board
Speaker: Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Exploring general knowledge of intellectual property law cases
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
July 4, 2020
Explore general knowledge of intellectual property law cases
a. General Knowledge of IP law in Canada
b. Procedures of IP cases before Canadian court
c. Proceedings/events that will likely to involve an interpreter
Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Intellectual property law general terms
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
July 11, 2020
Intellectual property law general terms
a. General terms of IP law and IP cases
b. Challenges of interpretation/translation on cases of intellectual property law
Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Intellectual property law analysis & strategy
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
July 18, 2020
Intellectual Property Law Analysis & Strategy
a. Analysis Challenges
b. Strategies
Example Role Play 1: interpretation – examination of foreign witness for trial
Example Role Play 2: sight translation – expert report/academic journal
Ran He
2009-2013 Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Postdoctoral Research Anticancer and Antiviral Drugs
2013, Admitted to Osgoode Hall Law School as the only Canadian student with full LSAT score
2016 Osgoode Hall Law School, Juris Doctor
Present, Partner at THC Lawyers, Toronto, Intellectual property litigation and commercial litigation.
Licensed Lawyer in Ontario and New York State, Passed the California Bar Examination (license is under processing)
President of the Chinese Canadian Legal Exchange
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
May 2, 2020
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
An act of acquisition of another’s property without the consent of the owner and with intent to deprive the owner of the property permanently.
We will look at the types of theft and criminal elements of theft in this workshop.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$ 75 for ACIs
Spanish Interpreting Workshop
Offered by Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
(Please note this is a workshop for Spanish Interpreters)
Multi session, Fridays
Mar 27 - Apr 17
Newnham campus
1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto
*Participants must be fluent in both English and Spanish.
This workshop focuses on effective ways to deal with the specific challenges of interpreting into Spanish/English, as well as enhance the interpretation skills of participants through practical interpretation exercises.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 12 hrs
The criminal court process
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Date: April 11, 2020
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
There will be general information provided about the criminal court process.
What are the steps in the criminal court process for a person charged with a criminal offence? How to navigate through this process from the very beginning to the end from the perspective of an accused person? What is involved in each step?
From one courtroom to another, the court interpreter will be at the side of the accused person to provide interpretation service, as per the accused’s charter right to the assistance of the interpreter guaranteed on S. 14 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Questions and Discussions.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Legal Rights and Principles of Fundamental Justice
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
April 4, 2020
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Legal rights and principles of fundamental justice
Legal rights and principles of fundamental justice together form the basis of the Canadian legal system. And what you need to know in order to work as a court interpreter. The rights and principles will be introduced to you through the study of case law, namely the written decisions of judges.
Questions and discussions
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Domestic violence and assault
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Date: April 25, 2020
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Domestic violence is a criminal offence that occurs in a domestic setting and assault is the most common offence in domestic violence charges.
Using a Case study, we will explore this topic which will involve relevant legal concepts, principles and more.
Questions and discussions
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
International Organizations - Language Related Positions (IOLP)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Feb 15, 2020 and September 5, 2020
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
> International organizations job opportunities
> Effective and efficient application
> Opportunities and cooperation between international organizations and other organizations
> Contract/term
> Responsibilities
> Benefits
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3.75 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Advanced Court Interpreter Training (ACIT)
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
Training Room (Basement level) – 789 Don Mills Road, North York, ON M3C 1T5
***Check dates by following the Registration link
The ACIT course is designed to help learners further their court interpreting skills and expand their legal vocabulary base. It serves as proof of specialized training in legal or court interpretation. It is also a great preparation tool for the components frequently featured in court interpreter accreditation exams.
The focus of the program is on skills and vocabulary building in the context of court interpretation. Some of the key topics covered in ACIT include: Canada’s System of Justice, the Court System, Criminal Law, Theft, Indecency, Ballistics, Firearms, Sexual Assault, Murder, and general Court Decorum and Etiquette. Learners will have an opportunity to participate in a mock trial and feel all the pressure of court interpreting.
Another essential component of the course is a mock exam at the end of training that simulates court interpreter accreditation exams, which gives learners an edge in pursuing accreditation as a court interpreter.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 30 hrs
$503.42 for ACIs
Practicing acquired court simultaneous Interpretation
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
May 30, 2020
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
There will be case studies to help us to explore this topic, which will involve relevant legal concepts, principles and more
We will also have role plays involving simultaneous interpretation exercise
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
How to become a court interpreter in Ontario?
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Note: this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
May 23, 2020
10:00AM- 1:00 PM
What are the requirements in terms of qualifications of a court interpreter candidate?
What tests to pass?
Where to direct the application?
The knowledge of the laws and of the legal system in English and its equivalent in the Mandarin language is a must for court interpreters. The above 7 sessions will give us a good start in our endeavor to become a court interpreter.
Questions and Discussions.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Interpreting in Healthcare Settings
Offered by The Interpreter's Lab
Date: September 9 - September 24, 2020
Multi-session workshop
Online - Virtual Classroom PLUS self directed online course modules
This course will prepare you to take the CTTIC exam to become a Certified Medical Interpreter.
Course includes:
The Role of the Healthcare Interpreter
Medical and Healthcare Terminology
Overview of the Canadian and Provincial Healthcare Systems
Introduction to the Roles and Function of Health Care Practitioners and Personnel
Models of Health and Well-being
Managing the Interpreting Environment
The Impact of Culture on Health and the Healthcare Interview
Communication Skills for Healthcare Interpreters
Where and How to find Work as a Healthcare Interpreter
Student Manual
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 55 hrs
$80 discount for ACIs
On-site/Online Translator Training Program
Offered by
MCIS Language Solutions
Multi-session workshop
On-site course location: Training Room (Basement level) – 789 Don Mills Road, North York, ON M3C 1T5
Time (varies depending on session chosen)
Tue & Thu 9:30 - 4:30
Sat 9:30 - 4:30
This Program aims to offer equal access to education, in order to help reduce the shortage of trained translators in the multitude of languages spoken in Canada. The program provides linguistically diverse Canadians with the means to develop skills and knowledge to become community translators.
The comprehensive, language-neutral program includes aspects of translation theory, translation strategies, best practices used in the industry. It also covers introductions to Community Translation with the focus on legal and medical fields.
Most of the knowledge gained in the program can be used by Community Interpreters, such as going through all the translation steps or learning about industry tools and technology.
At the end of the course, participants complete final translation assignments and receive language-specific feedback from professional translators working in their language combination.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 90 hrs
$ 960.50 for ACIs
Court Interpreting Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
Multiple sessions - Fridays
Feb 21 - Mar 13
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Participants will work with their knowledge of interpretation skills in three modes:
Consecutive, Simultaneous, and Sight Translation.
This three-day workshop provides practical training and hands-on experience
in legal/court interpretation by using transcripts of actual courtroom discourse.
In addition, the workshop prepares participants for the mandatory court interpreter testing accreditation/certification.
Participants must be fluent in two (2) languages(English/other).
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 12 hours
Interpreting in Mental Health Settings
Offered by
The Interpreter's Lab
October 19 - November 26
Multi-session workshop
The Interpreter's Lab offers Canadian based programming Canada-wide through a blended learning model that combines live instruction, with expert teachers, and online, self-directed content.
This course is currently only offered one time per calendar year. It can also be provided or adapted for on-site for organizations interested in a more robust education for their interpreters. Please contact us for more information and current schedules.
Interpreting in Mental Health Settings Model: The 3E's of the Collaborative Model
Dynamics and Communication Challenges of Working in Mental Health Settings
Mental Healthcare System in Canada: Who are the Practitioners, Specialists and Agencies
Mental Illness: Categories, Diagnoses and Treatments
Pharmaceuticals and other Medications
Cultural Issues Affecting Mental Health and the Mental Health Interview
Models of Inter-cultural Communication
Understanding the Terminology of Mental Health and Illness
Trauma, Secondary Trauma and Interpreter Self-care
Expert Guest Instructors and Presenters
Student Manual included
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 45 hrs
$ 897
$ 90 off discount for ACIs
ON-GOING (self-guided/online)
Medical Terminology for Interpreters: Medical Terminology and the Human Body
Offered by
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
An interactive program for interpreters to deepen their knowledge of medical terms related to the human body, including terms used by doctors to describe body positions, directions, planes and cavities.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 2 hrs
Wait. They’re Going to Operate on the Wrong Leg! Advocacy for Community and Medical Interpreters
Offered by
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self guided online course
A simple “how-to kit” on advocacy for interpreters that explains what advocacy is, whether to do it and how to manage it.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Introduction to Financial Translation
Offered by
MCIS Language Solutions
Ongoing start dates, Online delivery, Self guided
Upon completion of this 2-module course, you will be able to:
Identify common types of financial documents
• Identify common problems and difficulties in this field
• Apply strategies to deal with translation challenges
Topics covered:
• Overview of Financial Translation
• Types of Financial Documents
• Challenges in Financial Translation
• Strategies to Cope with Difficulties in Financial Translation
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 4 hrs
Introduction to Technical and Scientific Translation
Offered by
MCIS Language Solutions
Ongoing start dates, Online delivery, Self guided
Upon completion of this 2-module course, you will be able to:
• Differentiate between scientific and technical translation
• Identify types of technical documents
• Recognize the common problems and difficulties involved in technical translation
• Apply strategies to cope with the problems
Topics covered:
• Defining Scientific and Technical translation
• The Process of Technical Translation
• Common Challenges in Technical Translation
• Strategies to Cope with Difficulties in Technical Translation
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
Introduction to Translation in Business Settings
Offered by
MCIS Language Solutions
Ongoing start dates, Online delivery, Self guided
Upon completion of this 2-module course, you will be able to:
• Identify the functions of translation of business correspondence
• Identify common problems and difficulties in this field
• Use strategies to manage translation difficulties
Topics covered:
• Overview of Translation of Business Correspondence
• Different Types of Business Letters
• Levels of Formality in Business Letters
• Challenges and Solutions in Translating Business Correspondence
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
Medical Terminology for Interpreters: An Introduction to Medical Terminology
Offered by
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
A crash course in the basics of medical terminology for interpreters.
Course length: 2 hours
Course access period: Two months
Course completion requirements: Pass one exit test (score of 80% or above).
Certificate: Downloadable certificate available immediately upon passing the exit test.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 2 hrs
Introduction to Localization
Offered by
MCIS Language Solutions
Ongoing start dates, Online delivery, Self guided
Upon completion of this 2-module course, you will be able to:
• Define localization and related concepts
• Understand its relationship to translation and the role of the translator in localization
• Understand the general requirements (skills, tools, information) for providing localization services in order to be able to make an informed decision on whether to pursue specialization/work in these areas
Topics covered:
• Key Concepts in Localization
• The Role of the Translator in a Localization Project
• Specific Skills and Tools Required for Working on Localization Projects
• Localization Tool Demonstration
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 4 hrs
Interpreting in Community Settings Course
Offered by The Interpreter's Lab (Shifting Pictures)
February 3 - February 24
Multi-session workshop
The only Canada-wide, blended learning program for Canadian interpreters. Live Instruction PLUS independent online modules and materials.
Working as a community interpreter is a dynamic and exciting career. Interpreting is a highly specialized profession that requires strong interpersonal and language skills - in addition to critical knowledge and ability. This lively, intensive short-course program covers core skills and competencies required of interpreters and provides a good overview for new interpreters. This course will prepare you to work in a range of settings and government offices, and will also prepare you to take the CTTIC exam to become a Certified Community Interpreter.
This course is a Blended Learning Model - which means both Live instruction with expert teachers and online, self-directed content that will cover:
The Role of the Community Interpreter
Critical Skills for Interpreters – memory, note-taking and listening
Ethics and Standards of Practice
Interpreting Settings and Protocols
The Interpreting Marketplace - How to get contracts
Interactive role – plays, case studies and lectures
Resources and Links
Student Manual included
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 35 hrs
$ 497
$ 49.70 off discountfor ACIs
Interpreting for Survivors of Sexual Violence
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
• Identify key elements and concepts related to sexual violence
• identify most common challenges in interpreting for survivors of sexual violence
• equip themselves with strategies to deal with challenges related to SV assignments
• apply interpreter’s code of ethics to the decision making process involved in SV assignments.
Topics Covered
• Definition and Types of Sexual Violence
• Victims of Sexual Violence
• Myths and Facts about Sexual Violence
• Preparing for Interpretation Assignments
• Crisis Intervention and Forensic Evidence Collection
• Medical Related Terminology
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 2 hrs
Interpreting in Mental Health and Autism Settings
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
• Identify key elements and concepts related to mental health assignments
• identify most common challenges in interpreting mental health settings
• equip themselves with strategies to deal with challenges related to mental health
• apply interpreter’s code of ethics to the decision making process involved in mental health assignments.
Topics Covered
• Mental Health Assignments and Challenges
• Overstepping Role Boundaries
• Interpreting for Patients with Autism
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 2 hrs
So you are a Freelancer
Offered by Language Marketplace
February 8, 2020
9:30:AM - 12:30 PM
Waterfront Neighbourhood Center,
627 Queens Quay West, Toronto, Ontario (Queens Quay and Bathurst Street)
Dance Room
Join us on Saturday Feb. 8th for a half day workshop that will cover:
1) Simple accounting tips and strategies to ensure you are paid on time
2) Strategies for collecting delinquent payments
3) Tax savings tips – just before you file your upcoming 2019 tax return
5) Tips and strategies for marketing, networking and improving your business skills
6) How to get Security Clearance, and the advantages it brings
A continental breakfast will be served while we learn!
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$45 for ACIs
Introduction to Advertising Translation
Offered by
MCIS Language Solutions
Ongoing start dates, Online delivery, Self guided
Upon completion of this 2-module course, you will be able to:
• Identify key components, text types and techniques used in advertising and their impact on translation
• Recognize the functions of promotional translation and their importance for this field
• Identify common problems and difficulties in the field of advertising translation
• Use strategies to deal with translation challenges
Topics covered:
• Overview of advertising
• Types of Advertising Materials
• Techniques Used in Advertising
• Skills for Translation of Advertising Texts
• Coping with Common Difficulties in Advertising Translation
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 4 hrs
Introduction to Audiovisual Translation – Subtitling
Offered by
MCIS Language Solutions
Ongoing start dates, Online delivery, Self guided
Upon completion of this 3-module course, students will be able to:
• Distinguish between modalities of audiovisual translation in regards to principles, constraints and translation strategies
• Have a clear understanding of the work methods, skills and strategies required in professional translation for subtitling, and
• Apply work methods and strategies discussed to the translation of subtitles
Topics covered:
• Types of Audiovisual Translation
• Building Blocks of Subtitling
• Working on Subtitling Projects
• Subtitling Software Demonstration
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 5 hrs
Introduction to Transcription
Offered by
MCIS Language Solutions
Ongoing start dates, Online delivery, Self guided
Upon completion of this 2-module course, you will be able to:
• Have a better understanding of similarities and differences between monolingual and cross-lingual transcription and the role of the translator providing them
• Apply your knowledge of general requirements for providing transcription services in your transcription practice.
Topics covered:
• Introduction to Transcription
• Different Types of Transcription
• Key Concepts in Transcription
• Following Transcription Guidelines
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
Managing a Translation Business
Offered by
MCIS Language Solutions
Ongoing start dates, Online delivery, Self guided
Upon completion of this 5 module course, students will be able to:
• Identify and complete steps needed to start a translation business
• Understand the difference of working as a staff or as a freelance translator
• Identify career resources and options available
• Define and execute steps in a standard translation project workflow
• Prepare quotes and invoices for translation services
• Identify and assign qualified resources to translation projects
• Understand benefits of recording accurate feedback on services for professional growth
• Apply effective marketing strategies for freelancers
• Apply best practices to retain existing clients and attract new ones
• Make effective professional use of social media as networking and marketing tools
Topics covered:
• Starting a Translation Business
• The Career of a Translator
• Translation Project Management I & II
• Marketing a Translation Business
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 12 hrs
Interpreting for Survivors of Human Trafficking
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
• Identify key elements and concepts related to human trafficking
• identify most common challenges in interpreting for survivors of human trafficking
• equip themselves with strategies to deal with challenges related to HT assignments
• apply interpreter’s code of ethics to the decision making process involved in HT assignments.
Topics Covered
• Definition of Human Trafficking
• Key Elements and Types of Human Trafficking
• Risk Factors for Becoming a Victim
• Common Challenges for Interpreters
• Preparing for Interpretation Assignments
• Vicarious Trauma and Self-care
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 2 hrs
Anti-Oppression Training for Language Professionals
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
• identify various forms of oppression (based on gender, social class, race, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation, faith, political beliefs)
• differentiate between oppression and anti-oppression practices
• apply interpreter’s ethical principles during AO assignments.
Topics Covered
• What is Oppression
• Definitions of Oppression
• Forms of Oppression
• Faces of Oppression
• Oppression and the Law
• Oppression and Language Professionals
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 2 hrs
Advance Your Skills in Note-taking for Interpreters
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
A step-by-step guide on adapting conference interpreting note-taking techniques to community and medical interpreting based on the Rozan method, symbols and abbreviations.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
How to Perform Legal Interpreting in Medical and Community Settings
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
An overview of the field of legal interpreting designed for both new interpreters and interpreters in other specializations.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 2 hrs
Interpreting for LGBTQIA* Newcomers
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
1. Gain introductory sensitivity to issues commonly experienced by LGBTQIA* newcomers
2. Learn LGBTQIA* terminology (appropriate and inappropriate)
3. Understand the impact that personal values and attitudes can have on LGBTQIA* clients
4. Analyze and apply ethical principles to challenging situations that may arise for interpreters working with LGBTQIA* newcomers
5. Gain awareness of local, provincial, and international resources for interpreters and LGBTQIA* newcomers
Topics Covered
• The LGBTQIA newcomer Perspective
• Understanding Key Terms
• Assumptions about Gender Taking into Consideration Culture, Religion and Privilege
• Understanding and Using Appropriate Terminology
• Ethical Principles
• Support for Clients & Interpreters.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 2 hrs
Cardiovascular Disease Training for Language Professionals
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the main causes of disability and premature death in North America, and all over the world. In addition, it is one of the diseases responsible to the increasing cost of healthcare. This online training aims to assist translators and interpreters in honing their skills, expanding their knowledge and vocabulary bases within the context of cardiovascular diseases.
• Introduction to Cardiovascular Disease
• Symptoms and Causes
• Inflammatory Heart Disease
• Prevention and Disease Management
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 6 hrs
Cultural Competence I: Assess Your Unconscious Bias as an Interpreter
Offered by
Cross- Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided, online
An introduction to cultural competence for interpreters with a focus on assessing how implicit bias can impact the interpreting encounter—and what to do about it.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Cultural Competence 2: When Should Interpreters Intervene?
Offered by
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided, online
A guide for interpreters on how to make the decision to interrupt a session if communication breaks down—a tricky decision with many potential consequences.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Cultural Competence 3: How to Intervene as an Interpreter
Offered by
Cross- Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided, online
Clear guidance on how to write, practice and deliver “scripts” for what to say as an interpreter when communication breaks down during the encounter.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Cultural Competence 5: Cultural Mediation for Interpreters
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided, online
A crystal-clear introduction to a complex challenge: how interpreters can perform cultural mediation that is both sensitive and respectful—and supports communicative autonomy.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
An Overview of Community and Medical Interpreting
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
A clear, concise guide to community interpreting as a profession with a special focus on medical, educational and social services interpreting.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
How to Perform Standard Interpreting Protocols
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
An overview, with guided practice, of basic procedures and protocols for professional interpreting in medical, community, educational and non-courtroom legal settings.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Three Techniques to Improve Memory Skills
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
A carefully guided path to enhancing memory skills for interpreters with the goal of improving accuracy in consecutive and simultaneous interpreting.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Interpreter Credentials and Certification
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
An examination of the important credentials that interpreters should hold and how to get them, with a focus on interpreter certification.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Description here
The community interpreter ® online
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
The leading 40-hour certificate program in the U.S. for community interpreting, including medical, educational and social services interpreting. It promotes national ethics and standards of practice in the field and can prepare interpreters to take national medical interpreter certification. The course covers ethics and conduct, basic skills (from pre-session to post-session), positioning and terminology, modes of interpreting, steps for sight translation, strategies for intervention, cultural mediation, and other vital skills and topics.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 40 hrs
Sharpen Your Accuracy! Message Transfer Skills for Interpreters
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
Guidance on how to improve interpreter accuracy by practicing key cognitive processes and “component skills” such as anticipation, parroting and paraphrasing.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Ethics in Action 1: Codes of Ethics for Community and Medical Interpreters
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
Critical guidance on what codes of ethics are, why interpreters need them and which codes to follow for community and medical interpreting.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Ethics in Action 2: How to Apply Interpreter Ethics
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
How to take an interpreter code of ethics for medical or community interpreting and use it to make informed decisions during the interpreted encounter.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Ethics in Action 3: Ethical Decision-making for Community and Medical Interpreters
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
A clear roadmap for how to make effective decisions as an interpreter that support interpreter ethics, professional practice and communicative autonomy.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
2019 OCCI Annual Congress
Annual Congress is less than one week away!
Register Now!
Saturday, November 23rd, 2019
Council Chambers - North York Civic Centre
5100 Yonge St., North York, ON M2N 5V7
Guest Speakers
Rev. Dr. Robert Oliphant, MP
Ms. Doly Begum, MPP
Ms. Kathleen Wynne, MPP, Former Premier of Ontario (recorded message)
Ms. Lindsey Borrows, Lawyer and Researcher at University of Victoria (recorded message)
9:00 am to 9:30 am - Registration
9:30 am to 11:30 am - Welcome, Guest Speakers, Q&A, Closing Remarks
11:30 am to 1:30 pm - Job Fair, Networking, Refreshments
Multi-Languages Annual Conference
Offered by: Multi-Languages Corporation
Date: Sep 21 2019
8am - 6pm
University of Toronto
81 St. Mary Street
There is a variety of speakers on translation and interpreting. Lots of topics pertaining to the field of interpretation and translation. Please see more info in the program by following the link:
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 5.5 hrs
Free of charge - pay it forward
Medical Interpreting Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
Multi session, Fridays
Jan 17 - Feb 7
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
This workshop helps interpreters become better acquainted with the current field of Health Care Interpretation within the realm of the more common diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In addition, through scripted roles plays of case scenarios, participants are exposed to challenging situations related to mental illness and geriatrics. During the workshop, a glossary of medical terms will be created for participant's future reference.
Please note - Participants must be fluent in 2 languages (English/other) and have successfully completed Seneca's LNI101, LNI102 and LNI103 and/or previous experience in medical interpretation.
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Interpreting for Work-Injury Related Assignments
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Remote (online via gotomeeting)
March 7, 2020
1. Introduction of WSIB
1.1 Functionality of WSIB
1.2 Who are eligible for WSIB
1.3 2 mandatory categories of industries to which WSIB coverage extends
1.4 Those who are not eligible
2. Filing a WSIB claim
2.1 Types of claim
2.2 When to file a WSIB claim
2.3 How to file a WSIB claim
2.4 Duty to co-operate
3. Who and what are involved—benefits and services
3.1Health care benefits
3.2 Return-to-work services
3.3 Income replacement
3.4 Other benefits
3.5 Decision Making
4. Case study
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
April 18, 2020
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Bail is part of a criminal procedure where the court decides on the temporary release or detention of a person charged with criminal offences pending trial.
What are the legal principles to follow in a bail hearing? What are the evidence rules in a bail hearing? What are the applicable bail conditions if released on bail?
A good understanding of the above will help court interpreters in delivering smooth interpretation services in a bail hearing.
The Criminal code form 12 for Undertaking, given to a Justice or a Judge, and form 32 for Recognizance will be studied. There will be a role play involving consecutive and simultaneous interpretation exercise.
Questions and discussions.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 4 hrs
$100 for ACIs
Simultaneous Interpretation Skills and Practices in General (Online delivery)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
March 21, 2020
Remote via GoToMeeting
What is chuchotage simultaneous interpreting?
Chuchotage simultaneous interpreting-definition
Chuchotage simultaneous interpreting-equipment
Chuchotage simultaneous interpreting-scenarios
Chuchotage simultaneous interpreting-limitations
Practice in different community scenarios
VWAP: the victim/witness assistance program
Background knowledge
PAR: partner assault assistance program
Background knowledge
CAS: children’s aid society
Background knowledge
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 4.hrs
$75 for ACIs
Advanced Note Taking Skills
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Remote (online via gotomeeting)
March 7th
> Foundations:
- Fantastic listening,
- Enhancing memory
> Flexible format:
- Cornell method,
- outlining method,
- charting method,
- mapping method,
- diagram method,
- sentence method
> Logical creation of Notes Deport
- symbols
- abbreviations
> Practice on medical, legal and social cases
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Advanced Sight Translation (B) Family Law
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Feb 29, 2020, 2:00pm-5:00 pm
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
Explore sight translation challenges of Family Court documents
Gain knowledge of Family Court Procedures
Familiarize yourself with Terms
How to handle lengthy documents
Review Family Court procedures and discuss what to expect as an interpreter in the Family Court
Analyze family court related forms
Review commonly used words and study specific terms
Practice sight translation with sample forms
Form 8: General Application
Notice of Motion
Sample separation agreement
Questions and Discussions.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75for ACIs
Applying for a Professional Interpreter Job (APIJ)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Date: Jan 17, 2020
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
Description on specific terms related to interpretation assignment forms
Professional Resume introduction (Available hours, travel, dialects)
Interview questions
Important skills and practices for the interview (case studies)
What are the challenges and how to handle these situations?
The importance of service providers’ feedback
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Interpreting in Mental Health Settings
Offered by INCommunities
Fri. January 31st
This webinar acquaints professional interpreters within the field of psychotherapy and mental health through training delivered by Pathstone Mental Health. Topics for discussion include: case management and mental health assessments, the work done by Pathstone, types of clients serviced (including children), common client issues, challenges in the filed, and terminology vocabulary-building.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hrs
$22.50 for ACIs
Maximizing Interpreters’ Career (MIC)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Jan 10, 2020
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
>Introduction of provincial and national Interpretation certificates/certifications across
> What can you do with your certificates?
> Introduction to top language service agencies which provide language services to the
Ontario government
> Provide contact information of Ontario language service organizations/companies
> Information on language service companies across Canada
> Explore work from home job opportunities for international companies
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$75 for ACIs
Desafío Lenguas SimLab
Please note this is specific to Spanish and National Mexican Indigenous Languages
Offered by
Seven Sisters Interpreter Training / Desafío Lenguas
Hostería las Quintas, Cuernavaca, Mexico
January 16-18, 2020
9:30 am - 7pm
You've done your healthcare interpreting training. Everyday, you go and serve. But still you ask: Am I even doing this right? What would another interpreter do when faced with a certain linguistic or ethical challenge? How can I be more effective, more agile and less stilted?
The SimLab Healthcare Interpreting Intensive offers professional Spanish-English and indigenous language healthcare interpreters advanced-level, simulation-based consecutive, simultaneous, sight translation and relay interpreting practice—just like in real life but coupled with immediate feedback and support from fellow interpreters and Spanish-speaking medical providers.
Join us for this unique, three-day intensive to take place January 16-18, 2020 in Cuernavaca, Mexico as part of the Desafío Lenguas initiative sponsored by the Italia Morayta Foundation.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 24 hrs
Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease
Offered by APLI
Presented by
Dr. Robert Chen, Neurologist, UHN
Thursday, December 5th, 2019
Committee Rm #1
Scarborough Civic Centre
150 Borough Drive
Toronto, ON
M1P 4N7
(Scarborough Centre Station)
The workshop will include speaker presentations, terminology interpretation exercise, case studies discussion, and Q & A session.
Content will cover disease types, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, terminology, interpreting challenges and suggested responses.
Flyer and program can be found at APLI's website.
APLI members: $20
Non-members: $35
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
APLI Annual General Meeting 2019
Offered by APLI
October 17th, 2019
6:00-9:30 pm
North York Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 5100 Yonge St., Toronto
This is the Annual General Meeting of the APLI. Members will hear reports by Board members on general
developments regarding the interpretation industry (including accreditation) and the Association, and how
the Association is doing in terms of its finances, educational training, social media presence, and outreach to
sponsors. An election for board of directors will take place. The program will also include time for networking and a group fun activity. Please see our website for details - register at
Members: free
Non-members: $25
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3.5 hrs
Advanced Note Taking in Consecutive Interpretation
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
Oct 13, 2019
6pm - 9pm
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
Introduction to note-taking skills in general
How to use symbols
General abbreviations
Demo note taking
How to develop your own note taking system
Practice note taking within scenarios
Resources sharing and more practices
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$100 for ACIs
Setting-specific interpreting: Public Health
Offered by InCommunities
Wed. October 23rd, 2019
Niagara Region Headquarters- 1815 Sir Isaac Brock Way, Thorold
This setting-specific workshop opportunity allows interpreters to engage with the work done at Niagara Region Public Health to build on their knowledge and familiarity interpreting in healthcare environments. Interpreters will learn about the process for intake, case management, immunization, psychiatric assessments, and other mental health supports. Case scenario analysis and protocols and procedures will be discussed, as well as reviewing common terminology through vocabulary-building. Interpreters will also be aware of the types of clients serviced and common issues/challenges experienced in this environment.
Registration: $25
ACIs: $22.50
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 2.5 hrs
International organizations-language related positions
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
November 3rd, 2019
2:30 to 5:30 pm
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
This workshop will explore:
1.International organizations job opportunities
3.Working hours
6.Opportunities and cooperation between international
organizations and other organizations
7.Opportunities in daily work
8.Effective and efficient application
10.Courses by international organizations (platforms)
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$100 for ACIs
Simultaneous Interpretation Skills and Practices
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
August 24, 2019
9:00 am to 1:00 pm (8:45 registration)
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
This workshop is a short 5-hour (10am-3:30pm with a 30-min break) course. The main purpose of this workshop is to allow those who have had community interpreting training/work experience to gain a basic understanding of simultaneous interpreting used in community interpreting assignments. Students will also have a chance to learn and practice skills used in simultaneous interpreting with both texts and audio.
Section One – Brief introduction of SI (Simultaneous Interpreting)
What is SI?
Who’s involved?
Where is it held?
When is it used?
Why is it beneficial?
How does it work?
Section Two – Skillsets involved, how to practice, what they are beneficial for. (*Each of the following skills will be followed by a short demo/practice session) )
Sight Translation
Split Attention
Dos and Don’ts of SI, and Why
Conclusion and Feedback
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 5 hrs
$100 for ACIs
Spanish Interpreting Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
Multiple sessions, Fridays,
Nov 22- Dec 13 2019
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
This workshop focuses on effective ways to deal with the specific challenges of interpreting into Spanish/English, as well as enhancing the interpretation skills of participants through practical interpretation exercises. Mastery of difficult traits of English and Spanish grammar and pronunciation are covered.
▪ Familiarity with medical, legal, and business terminology in both languages
▪ Awareness of the best available printed and digital resources for interpreters in English and Spanish
▪ Enhanced skills in sight translation and consecutive interpretation in English and Spanish
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Practice the Modes of Interpreting
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Self-guided online course
An in-depth introduction to the three modes of interpreting—consecutive, simultaneous and sight translation—with practice, tips and strategies for professional growth.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Connecting Legal Services to Interpretation - Online Course (ongoing)
ONLIS Course (through Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic)
This is an advanced online training for interpreters who have already successfully completed an interpreter training course. The course is designed to teach interpreters how to interpret effectively in legal settings by:
Enhancing your understanding of the Canadian legal system and the administration of justice in Ontario
Increasing your familiarity with different areas of law and related processes
Developing your knowledge of terminology used in a variety of legal and quasi-legal proceedings
Integrating knowledge, applying practice standards and improving competencies necessary to effectively interpret in legal settings
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 25 hours
Translator Training Program (ongoing - check related site for future dates)
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
This program was created to offer translation training opportunities to professionals who work in non-official languages, which will then help different language and cultural communities have access to information and services through professionally done translations.
The comprehensive, language-neutral program includes aspects of translation theory, translation strategies, best practices used in the industry. It also covers introductions to popular and emerging fields like Subtitling, Transcription, Transcreation and Localization.
Many of the knowledge gained in the program can be used by Community Interpreters, such as industry tools and technology, the completion of an extensive glossary in multiple fields, and especially the comprehensive section on the question on every language professional's mind: how to start and build your own business.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 120 hours
2018 OCCI Annual Congress
Saturday, November 24th, 2018
Council Chambers - North York Civic Centre
5100 Yonge St., North York, ON M2N 5V7
8:00 am to 8:30 - Registration and Breakfast
8:30 am to 9:00 am – Welcome
9:00 am to 11:15 am – Keynote Speakers and OCCI Updates
Hon. Kathleen Wynne, MPP, Former Premier of Ontario
Reza Moridi, MPP 2007-2018
Johanne Boucher, C. Trans.OTTIAQ
Nathalie Laliberté, VP, Translation Bureau, Government of Canada
Justine Bret, Translation Bureau, GOC
Majid Jowhari, MP
11:15 am to 1:00 pm - Job Fair and Networking
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm – Refreshments, Raffles, and Concluding Remarks
OCCI-ACI PDU Eligibility: 5 hours
The Fundamental Preparation For Your First Assignment
Offered by APCITG
Please note this is a workshop for the language combination of English-Mandarin
August 3rd, 2019
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900 North York ON M2N 5W9
Resume for entry-level interpreters
How to properly prepare your resume
What are potential employers looking for
Layout and visual impact
Additional add-ons and eye-grabbers
Getting ready for your very first encounter
The first encounter for parole hearing or assignments in correctional centers
What to expect (Stereotypes, signal loss and long journey)
Preparation & Glossary
The first encounter for New Immigration Center
What to expect (Pre-encounter)
Preparation & Glossary
The first encounter for CAST
What to expect
On-site vs. home visit (Child Access/Foster Family)
Preparation & Glossary
The first encounter for Healthcare Assignments
What to expect
N95 Fit-test, Vulnerable Sector Screening check and AODA
Hospital vs Clinic/Community Health Center vs Rehab center
Vulnerable patients & Caseworker/Case manager
Preparation & Glossary
The first encounter for Teacher & Parents Meeting
What to expect (Types of meetings)
Preparation & Glossary
The first encounter for Mediation & Family Law
What to expect
Preparation & Glossary
The first encounter for Community Probation & Parole Assignments
What to expect
Preparation & Glossary
Additional Tips and Advice
What to do when made a mistake (F2F vs remote)
Feedback forms and completion sheets
Additional costs (Parking, tolls & long distance journey)
Regular: $135
ACI rate: $75
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 4 hrs
Maximizing your career as an interpreter
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
June 23, 2019
-repeat on Aug 18 & Oct 26
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
1. Interpretation certificates in general
2. What can you do with your certificates?
3. Introduction to top 10 Language services agencies
4. Information on 66 language services companies
5. How to handle assignments as a freelance interpreter?
6. Explore job opportunities work from home
7. Professional Resume introduction
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 4hrs
$100 for ACIs
Leveraging Technology to Benefit Interpreters
Offered by APLI
June 27, 2019
6 - 9 pm
New City Hall, Committee Room #3, 100 Queen St. W., Toronto
The workshop will cover some key technologies that interpreters can leverage to increase productivity and
efficiency in their business. The content will include basic technology requirements, some smartphone apps
such as Genius Scan, how to use a digital calendar, using LinkedIn and Facebook effectively, invoicing and
payment, followed by some basic finance strategies for money management. Each program segment will
consist of presentation, hands on component, and Q & A time.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$20 members
$35 non members
Interpreting for Work-Injury Related Assignments
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Date: July 27th, 2019
3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
Section One – Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
What is it?
What does it do?
Who’s involved?
How does it work?
Section Two – Case Studies
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Section Three - Various Types of Interpreting Assignments
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3.75 hrs
$100 for ACIs
Knowledge of Power of Attorney Personal Property / Personal Care
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
June 16, 2019
- repeat on Sep 14 & Nov 16
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
45 Sheppard Ave. East
Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
What is Power of Attorney?
Knowledge of terminology of Power of Attorney
3. Why do we need Power of Attorney?
4. How to do sight translation on Power of Attorney Personal Property?
5. How to do sight translation on Power of Attorney Personal care?
6. How to help others with your interpretation skills?
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$50 (ACIs: $25)
Medical Terminology for Interpreters
Offered by Cross Cultural Communications, LLC
March 22, 2019
8:30 am - 4:30 pm ET
Ecker Business Training Center, 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046, United States
This workshop will help interpreters understand medical terminology and develop strategies to interpret it correctly. Although no one can learn medical terminology in a day, the program provides valuable continuing education for anyone who interprets in hospitals, health departments, clinics, school health rooms, domestic violence/sexual assault services, crisis intervention and other settings.
OCCI-ACI PD eligibility: 7 hours
Translation for Spanish Community Interpreters
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
June 14, 2019
Ecker Business Training Center, 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046, United States
Interpreters are often asked to translate -- even though interpreting and translation are separate professions with distinct skill sets and credentials. Learn the translation basics with this foundation workshop and start applying them to your work today!
This one-day training is aimed at Spanish community interpreters who want to develop basic translation skills and better navigate typical requests for translation they frequently encounter in their workplace.
Participants will be able to identify the types of materials that are safe to translate by community translators, assess the risks and legal implications of machine translation and apply basic techniques to the translation and revision of documents commonly seen in community services, using tools designed for professionals.
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 7 hrs
Sight Translation Skills of Legal Documents (Bail)
ffered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
Date: July 22, repeat on Aug 17 & Oct 25
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
What are the challenges you have in legal sight translation?
Reviewing Definition of Translation, Sight Translation, Register Language
Preparing sight translation on Form 32 of Canadian Criminal Code
Discussing the legal terms and procedures related to form 32
Group sight translation practices
Bail Hearing transcript sight translation practice
Information of LSP agencies recommended by Ontario Legal Aid
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 4 hrs
$100 for ACIs
Cultural Competence in Health and Human Services
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
May 10, 2019
1pm - 4:30 pm ET
Ecker Business Training Center, 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046, United States
This in-depth, hands-on workshop opens eyes, builds skills and helps participants to understand that the key to providing culturally competent services in effective communication.
Participants will learn about language access requirements; universal communication strategies; best practices to address cultural differences; and tools to develop one's own cultural competence plan.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 3.5 hours
Sight Translation Knowledge & Terminology of Real Estate Documents (STRED)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Date: July 13, 2019
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
This workshop aims at assisting Chinese-English interpreters to learn hands-on sight translation skills of documents and processes of Real Estate Purchase & Sales. Special terminologies and legal terms will be introduced in Chinese and English.
The workshop includes both designed speech and interactive study.
Official documents introduction and study
Explore specific terms and knowledge
Questions and discussions on challenges discovered
Practice sight translation in group
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$100 for ACIs
Working with Newcomer LGBTQIA* Clients: Professional Development Module for Interpreters
Offered by
Access Alliance
June 27th ,2019
10am - 3pm
Access Alliance (Kensington Gardens) Toronto
Join us for this one-day professional development opportunity to increase your familiarity with the history, terminology, and issues faced by newcomers from the LGBTQIA* community, and to explore best practices regarding language support services for the various stakeholders involved. This workshop was developed by the Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre (KWMC), in partnership with the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI), supported by funding from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration.
Free of charge
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: PDU 4 hrs
The Community Interpreter International: Training of Trainers
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
Delivered over 6 days
July 15-20, 2019
Also available on
November 18-23, 2019
Ecker Business Training Center, 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046, United States
8:30am ET 4:30pm ET
The first two days give you a compressed version of The Community Interpreter ® designed for graduates of other interpreting programs. For two days, you will pretend to be students of The Community Interpreter ®.
• This compressed program includes a
representative sampling of activities, role
plays and skills-building exercises from The
Community Interpreter ®.
• The next four days are the true TOT, where
you are trained to give the program you just
observed in its compressed version.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 42 hours
Legal rights and principles of fundamental justice
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Date: March 23, 2019
9:00 am to 1:00 pm (8:45 registration)
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
Legal rights and principles of fundamental justice together form the basis of the Canadian legal system. And what you need to know in order to work as a court interpreter. The rights and principles will be introduced to you through the study of case law, namely the written decisions of judges.
Questions and discussions
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3.75 hrs
$100 for ACIs
Spanish Language Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
4 sessions, Saturdays, February 23rd- March 16th 2019
2:00p pm - 5:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
This workshop focuses on effective ways to deal with the specific challenges of interpreting into Spanish/English, as well as enhancing the interpretation skills of participants through practical interpretation exercises. Mastery of difficult traits of English and Spanish grammar and pronunciation are covered.
▪ Familiarity with medical, legal, and business terminology in both languages
▪ Awareness of the best available printed and digital resources for interpreters in English and Spanish
▪ Enhanced skills in sight translation and consecutive interpretation in English and Spanish
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Common Endocrine Disorders
Offered by Association of Professional Language Interpreters (APLI)
April 4, 2019
North York Civic Centre, Committee Room 3, 5100 Yonge St., Toronto
Dr. Hank C Lee. MD, FRCPC
The workshop will include a presentation, interpretation exercises, and Q&A session.
Content will cover common endocrine disorders, with special focus on diabetes and thyroid disorders.
Signs, symptoms, investigations, treatments and terminology associated with these endocrine disorders will be discussed.
APLI Members $20
Non-members $35
ACIs $30
Register by eTransfer
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
Building Blocks for Educational Interpreters
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
June 1, 2019
8:30am ET 4:30pm ET
Ecker Business Training Center, 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046, United States
This interactive session will focus on:
• Consecutive interpreting and memory
• Note-taking in consecutive interpreting.
• Simultaneous interpreting and message
transfer skills.
• Sight translation and summarization.
• Mode switching
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 7 hours
Interpreting in Family Law
Offered by INCommunities Language Services
Webinar format
Friday March 29th, 2019
3pm - 4:30pm
This webinar familiarizes interpreters with the field of legal interpreting, in particular Family Law. Training delivered prepares interpreters in the field including:
Vocabulary-building on common legal terminology (including recent changes to the Divorce Act)
Court decorum and etiquette
Procedures and questions asked in court and in court preparation
Common topics and challenges in the field (custody, separation, abuse, immigration, etc.)
(10% discount for ACIs)
Register by emailing
OCCI ACI PDU eligibility: 1.5 hr
Anatomy & Physiology for Interpreters
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
March 23, 2019
8:30am ET 5:00pm ET
Ecker Business Training Center, 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046, United States
Most interpreters find it difficult to study anatomy and physiology on their own.
This unique program offers an overview of the basic anatomy and physiology that medical interpreters need to know. Two half-day modules each address five human body systems using short films, interactive activities, slides, mini-lectures and body system diagrams with and without labels.
This highly targeted, intensive one-day workshop was designed by and for nterpreters. It is fast-paced and fun, yet practical and grounded in the medical interpreter's daily work.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 7.5 hours
Simultaneous Interpretation (English-Mandarin)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters and Translators Ltd.
Three (3) dates in 2018 to choose from:
July 28 & November 17, 2018
(past: April 7, 2018)
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Glendon Campus (York University) & 45 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 900
North York ON M2N5W9
Morning session (at Glendon)
SI knowledge and equipment introduction in general
SI demo in Conference, Medical and Court settings
Afternoon session (at CITG Office)
SI skills such as Shadowing, Decalage, Salami, Sight Translation, Parasal Reflexes, Transcribing
SI exercises
SI practical tips and experiences sharing
Participants are responsible for travel between the two locations
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibility: 4.0 hours
Maximizing Interpreters' Career
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators LTD
One session
Sep.30 and also sessions on Nov.3 and Dec.15
45 Sheppard Ave. E Suite 900, Toronto, ON M2N 5W9
This workshop aims to help new Chinese Interpreters to familiarize themselves with various industries that demand language services, and to help them understand more about interpretation assignments with different LSPs.
1. Explore interpretation encounters of legal, medical, insurance, government services, communities, businesses, and individual nature.
2. Introduce contact information of LSPs in Ontario;
3. Professional interpreter’s self-introduction role play;
4. Case studies based on doctor’s assignment, welfare service, V/WAP assistance;
5. Discuss various translation services;
6. Maintaining professionalism and the importance of PDUs program
OCCI-ACI PDU eleigibility: 4 hours
Sight Translation Skills of Legal Documents (English-Mandarin)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters and Translators Ltd.
Five (5) dates in 2018 to choose from:
July 21, Oct 6 & Dec 15, 2018
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
(past dates in 2018: April 1; May 12)
45 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 900
North York ON M2N5W9
1. Identifying the challenges you have in legal sight translation
2. Reviewing Definition of Translation, Sight Translation, Register Language
3. Preparing sight translation of Form 32 of Canadian Criminal Code
4. Discussing the legal terms and procedures related to form 32
5. Group sight translation practices
6. Bail Hearing transcript sight translation practice
7. Information of LSP agencies recommended by Ontario Legal Aid
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibility: 4.0 hours
Workshop: “Discovering Discoveries”
Offered by APLI
November 29th
North York Civic Centre
5100 Yonge St
Toronto ON
This workshop will include speaker presentations, interpretation exercise, discussion, and Q&A.
Content will cover an overview of the litigation process, the role the interpreter may have, interpreting at examinations for discovery, commonly used documents, terminology, interpreting challenges and how to overcome them.
OCCI - ACI PDU Eligibility: 3 hours
Members: $20
Non-Members: $35
ACI: $30
Managing Interpretation Trauma & Stress
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators LTD
One session
Sep. 30 and repeats on Dec. 16
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON
The workshop provides a platform for active interpreters to speak about their challenges experienced during assignments or in the workplaces, and provide professional materials on how to manage trauma and stress related to interpretation.
1. Explore interpretation trauma and/or stress experienced by interpreters
2. Discover levels of stress with an online self-assessment tool
3. Discuss strategies to cope with these stress
4. Introducing physical exercises and reading materials to help interpreters to increase positive attitude
5. Build working relationships to assist fellow interpreters
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hours
Workshop: Exploring VWAP (Victim/Witness Assistance Program)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Group
Nov 28, 2018
279 Wellington St., 2ndFloor
Kingston ON
We will explore the VWAP program and its relating knowledge and terminology. We will learn through case studies and raise awareness about the nature of the VWAP program for new interpreters. Also, this workshop aims to prepare interpreters for interpretation services in women shelters, police stations, and VWAP offices. It will allow interpreters to explore the mental and emotional challenges they may face while interpreting for the VWAP programs. Tour in the Courtroom guided by Ms. Michele Arsenault.
OCCI-ACI PDU Eligibility: 3.5 hours
ACI: $75
It Breaks My Heart: Interpreting for Trauma
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications
November 8-9, 2018
2 full day sessions
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Ecker Business Center
6751 Columbia Gateway Drive
Columbia, Maryland
This two-day workshop focuses on specific techniques, strategies and self-care practices for interpreters who encounter trauma in any setting. The workshop will highlight mental health, medical and legal services. The techniques explored can be applied to healthcare, schools and social service settings.
This workshop is ideal for bilingual staff and contract interpreters in healthcare, legal services, law enforcement, social services and community services.
Prior interpreting experience and completion of a 40-hour interpreter training foundation program are required.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 14 hours
Note-taking in Consecutive Interpreting (English-Mandarin)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters and Translators Ltd.
Three (3) dates in 2018 to choose from:
August 11 & October 27, 2018
(past: April 14, 2018)
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
45 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 900
North York ON M2N5W9
Introduction to note taking skills in general
Explanation on how to use symbols
General abbreviations
Demonstration of note taking examples
How to develop your own note taking system
Note taking with a context / scenarios
Resource-sharing and extra practice
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibility: 4.0 hours
Note-Taking for Interpreters
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
November 10, 2018 8:30-4:30 ET
Ecker Business Center
6751 Columbia Gateway Drive,
Columbia, Maryland 21046, United States
This one-day workshop offers fast-paced, dynamic practice in a vital skill: note-taking for interpreters. Developed by Katharine Allen, Co-President and Founder of InterpretAmerica, and a leading national
expert, the program adapts Rozan's method forconference interpreter note-taking to meet the needs of medical, community and general interpreters. The program's unique
approach is easy, fun and effective. This ground-breaking curriculum is offered by Cross-Cultural Communications and delivered by Leslie Bilchick, a Maryland Court Certified Interpreter.
OCCI - ACI Eligibility: 7 hrs
Interpreting for People with Developmental Disabilities & Discussion on handling removal
Offered by APLI
One session, Tuesday August 28, 2018
North York Civic Centre
1) Interpreting for People with Developmental Disabilities (Presentation, case discussions, Q&A)
a) What is considered developmental disability; common types; assessment & diagnosing; treatment & care options; services, supports, resources; terminology
b) Challenges for interpreters working with clients with developmental disabilities; ways to make interpretation more effective for DD clients and family
2) Open discussion on what an interpreter can do when removed from roster, “frozen”, handling complaints, etc.)
Members: $20
Non-members, ACI: $30
Non-members: $35
To register, send an email to with your e-transfer passcode.
ACIs - to obtain the discount, scan a picture of your valid ACI card.
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibility: 3 hours
Interpreting for LGBTQ2S+
Offered by INCommunities
(Interpreters Niagara-Hamilton program)
One session - Friday September 28th, 2018
21 Rosedene Ave. Hamilton
This training session familiarizes interpreters on issues commonly experienced by members of the LGBTQ2S+ community to which they may be called to interpret. Interpreters will be trained on appropriate terminology, how to navigate and apply ethical principles to challenging situations, as well as gain awareness of useful resources. This unique professional development opportunity has been developed in partnership with the Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre, the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, and the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship & Immigration.
Free of charge
To register:
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibility hours: 5.5

Interpreting for LGBTQIA* Newcomers
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
Ongoing sessions beginning August 16th 2018 (9am - 9pm)
This training allows participants to:
1. Gain introductory sensitivity to issues commonly experienced by LGBTQIA* newcomers
2. Learn LGBTQIA* terminology (appropriate and inappropriate)
3. Understand the impact that personal values and attitudes can have on LGBTQIA* clients
4. Analyze and apply ethical principles to challenging situations that may arise for interpreters working with LGBTQIA* newcomers
5. Gain awareness of local, provincial, and international resources for interpreters and LGBTQIA* newcomers
Free of charge
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibility hours: 2

Multi-Languages Annual Conference
Hosted by: Multilanguages Corporation
1 session
Saturday September 15, 2018
Location: University of Toronto
8am - 6pm
Join Multilanguages for a variety of speakers on translation and interpreting. More info in the program!
Free of charge - pay it forward
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibility: 5.5 hours
Spanish/English Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
4 sessions, Saturdays, June 16th & 23rd, July 7th and 14th, 2018
2:00p pm - 5:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
This workshop focuses on effective ways to deal with the specific challenges of interpreting into Spanish/English, as well as enhancing the interpretation skills of participants through practical interpretation exercises. Mastery of difficult traits of English and Spanish grammar and pronunciation are covered.
▪ Familiarity with medical, legal, and business terminology in both languages
▪ Awareness of the best available printed and digital resources for interpreters in English and Spanish
▪ Enhanced skills in sight translation and consecutive interpretation in English and Spanish
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Medical Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
2 session workshop, Saturdays, June 2nd and June 9th, 2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
This workshop helps interpreters become better acquainted with the current field of Health Care Interpretation within the realm of the more common diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In addition, through scripted roles plays of case scenarios, participants are exposed to challenging situations related to mental illness and geriatrics. During the workshop, a glossary of medical terms will be created for participant's future reference.
Please note - Participants must be fluent in 2 languages (English/other) and have successfully completed Seneca's LNI101, LNI102 and LNI103 and/or previous experience in medical interpretation.
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Court Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
Delivered over 3 sessions, Saturdays, July 21st, July 28th, August 11th, 2018
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Participants will work with their knowledge of interpretation skills in three modes:
Consecutive, Simultaneous, and Sight Translation.
This three-day workshop provides practical training and hands-on experience
in legal/court interpretation by using transcripts of actual courtroom discourse.
In addition, the workshop prepares participants for the mandatory court interpreter testing accreditation/certification.
Participants must be fluent in two (2) languages(English/other).
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 12 hours
Business Practices Workshop for Interpreters and Translators
Offered by APLI and Mutli-Languages Corp.
Thursday, May 17th, 2018
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
North York Civic Centre, Committee Room 3, 5100 Yonge St., Toronto
Freelance Interpreters will learn about strategies, best practices, skills and tools to
effectively operate their business, incl. accounting, financial management,
marketing, time management, goal setting, stress management and other areas.
$50.00 for general public
Free for APLI/MLC members
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibiilty: 2.5 hours
Interpreting for Vulnerable Communities: gender-based violence and child protection
Offered by INCommunities (Interpreters Niagara-Hamilton program)
1 session, Wednesday, July 25th
Webinar Format
In this webinar, presenters illuminate important issues and appropriate protocols interpreters should observe when working in settings that involve survivors of violence, children, and other vulnerable groups. This module prepares interpreters to understand and manage sensitive dilemmas and challenges, become familiarized with types of questions asked and terminology used in appointments, and learn about child protection and gender-based violence directly from front line workers in the field.
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 1.25 hours
$25 (10% discount for ACIs)
To register, please contact Liz Smith at or (905) 682 1900 ext. 217. Webinar access code will be provided upon registration.
LGBTQIA Workshop for Interpreters
Offered by Interpreter Services Toronto
Single day workshop offered on:
June 22 (full),July 27, Aug 24 2018
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
July 10, Aug 13, 2018
2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
(past dates in 2018: May 25)
This Workshop covers: ethical principles, guidelines for supporting LGBTQIA individuals, Making an LGBTQIA refugee protection claim in Canada, Working with LGBTQIA community, Heterosexual and Cisgender privilege statements, scenarios and glossaries.
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 5.0 hours
Interpreting for LGBTQIA Newcomers
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
Single-day workshop, multiple dates offerred:
June 13, 27, July 4, 14, 18, 21, 28, August 1, 4, 11, 15, 18
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
789 Don Mills Rd.,
MCIS Training Rooms
The aims of this full-day workshop for interpreters include:
1. Gaining introductory sensitivity to issues commonly experienced by LGBTQIA* newcomers
2. Learning LGBTQIA* terminology (appropriate and inappropriate)
3. Understanding the impact that personal values and attitudes can have on LGBTQIA* clients
4. Analyzing and applying ethical principles to challenging situations that may arise for interpreters working with LGBTQIA* newcomers
5. Gaining awareness of local, provincial, and international resources for interpreters and LGBTQIA* newcomers
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 7 hours
Sight Translation Knowledge & Terminology of Real Estate Documents
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters and Translators Ltd.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
45 Sheppard Ave. East, Suite 900
North York ON M2N5W9
This workshop aims on assisting Chinese-English interpreters to learn hands-on sight translation skills of documents and processes of Real Estate Purchase & Sales. Special terminologies and legal terms will be introduced in Chinese and English.
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibility: 4.0 hours
Court Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
3 sessions, Saturdays, March 24th, April 7th, and April 14th, 2018
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Participants will work with their knowledge of interpretation skills in three modes:
Consecutive, Simultaneous, and Sight Translation.
This three-day workshop provides practical training and hands-on experience
in legal/court interpretation by using transcripts of actual courtroom discourse.
In addition, the workshop prepares participants for the mandatory court interpreter testing accreditation/certification.
Participants must be fluent in two (2) languages(English/other).
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 12 hours
Diversity & Anti-Oppression: Learning Self-Reflexivity
Offered by INCommunities (Interpreters Niagara-Hamilton program)
Monday March 26th, 2018
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Hamilton Central Public Library
Hamilton Room
55 York Blvd., Hamilton ON
This workshop is an interactive training session focused on the burgeoning area of anti-oppression. Participants will be introduced to the ways in which oppression occurs and is structurally maintained in society, as well as considering how privilege shapes our lived experiences. This workshop will allow participants the opportunity to gain new perspective and sensitivity training in their interpreting work, and be aware of the differing needs of their clientele, in particular the various barriers and challenges faced by newcomers and victims of violence.
Please RSVP to Liz Smith: or 905-682-1900 x217
OCCI-ACI PD Eligibility: 2.5 hours
Spanish/English Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
4 sessions, Saturdays, February 24th, March 3rd, 10th, and 17th, 2018
2:00p pm - 5:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
This workshop focuses on effective ways to deal with the specific challenges of interpreting into Spanish/English, as well as enhancing the interpretation skills of participants through practical interpretation exercises. Mastery of difficult traits of English and Spanish grammar and pronunciation are covered.
▪ Familiarity with medical, legal, and business terminology in both languages
▪ Awareness of the best available printed and digital resources for interpreters in English and Spanish
▪ Enhanced skills in sight translation and consecutive interpretation in English and Spanish
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Health Care Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
2 sessions, Saturdays, February 24th and March 3rd, 2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Interpreters will be introduced to the most common diseases they are likely to encounter in health care interpreting assignments such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Topics covered are their symptoms, common diagnosing tools, and treatments. This workshop will have presentations interspersed with practical in-class activities, and it will include a section on challenges in the health care field, including mental health and geriatrics.
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
coLAB Toronto Interpreting Intensive
Offered by coLAB
January 2 - 6, 2018
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
CoLAB Toronto is a week-long practice intensive for conference interpreting professionals—an intensive because you will indeed spend the majority of the day in the booth or with your notepad. But CoLAB also relies on coLAB-oration: participants support their colleagues by taking a turn as a presenter and offering feedback to colleagues with their language combination.
CoLAB provides a structure to hone skills, experiment, and explore new territory in a way that’s difficult to do on the job. We think of
it as our yearly training camp, where we can play with certain language combinations, subject domains, and modalities. It also serves as a chance to learn from our colleagues and challenge any fixed ideas of ourselves and our vocation.
Requirements: Degree in Conference Interpreting or significant professional experience in Conference Interpreting
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Assertiveness Workshop for Interpreters
Offered by Access Alliance Language Services
Monday, November 27th, 2017
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
340 College St., 5th floor, West Room
Toronto ON M5T 3A9
This is an interactive workshop comprised of a series of exercises that will help participants embody aspects of assertive communication. We will brainstorm definitions of assertiveness and boundaries and participants will build awareness and sensitivity by practicing negotiating boundaries. Further, they will provide support to others in meeting personal needs and respecting boundaries. Participants will have the opportunity to practice and refine their assertiveness skills in a scenario of their choosing.
OCCI PD Eligibility: 2.0 hours
Court Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
3 sessions, Sundays, November 19th, 26th, and December 3rd, 2017
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Seneca College Part-time Studies - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Language Interpreter Training Workshops
Participants must be fluent in two (2) languages(English/other).
Participants will work with their knowledge of interpretation skills in three modes:
Consecutive, Simultaneous, and Sight Translation.
This three-day workshop provides practical training and hands-on experience
in legal/court interpretation by using transcripts of actual courtroom discourse.
In addition, the workshop prepares participants for the mandatory court interpreter testing accreditation/certification.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 12 hours
2017 Annual OCCI Congress
Planning for the 2017 Annual OCCI Congress is in full swing and we are looking forward to a great event.
The OCCI Annual Congress is a gathering for professionals and stakeholders in community interpreting to:
learn about language access innovations and quality improvement initiatives
network with peers and build contacts across the sector
find out about new education and employment opportunities
hear from speakers about advancements in best practices for addressing language barriers in public service access and delivery
This year's event will highlight the integration of Healthcare Interpretation Network (HIN) and feature the first OCCI Interpreter Job Fair.
The OCCI Annual Congress also provides an exciting opportunity for organizations to showcase their services to interpretation professionals from across the province.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Triovest Conference Centre
789 Don Mills Road, North York, ON M3C 1T5
2:00-2:30 Registration
2:30-3:30 Keynote speech and presentations
3:30-5:45 Networking, job fair, and refreshments
5:45-6:00 Raffle and concluding remarks
We look forward to seeing you there!
I Swear - for interpreting or Sight Translation (Chinese-English)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
Saturday, November 18th, 2017
2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
45 Sheppard Avenue East
North York ON M2N 5W9
This workshop aims to assist Chinese-speaking interpreters to firmly follow the Code of Ethics to provide accurate
interpreting and sight translation of swear words, to achieve higher level of competence, to improve interpreting and
sight translation skills.
1. Lecture: 5 why analysis: Convey the meaning, the emotion, the attitude, maintaining the register and the person
2. Practice swear words interpreting & sight translation in groups to challenge the participants' shyness to gain the skills
3. Lecture: stay professional, familiarize interpreters with swear words in Chinese language and culture
4. Q&A, feedback (how comfortable are you interpreting "swear words" now?)
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 3.0 hours
Simultaneous lnterpretation (Sl) Practical Skills in English-Chinese & Chinese-English
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
Saturday, November 18th, 2017
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Glendon Campus, York University
The day-long workshop offers a general introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting (Sl) practice and equipment. Participants will:
Observe demos of SI in conference, medical, and court settings
Learn about such SI skills as Shadowing, Decalage, Salami, Sight Translation, Parasal Reflexes, and Transcription.
Try SI exercises and get feedback
Take away practical tips and lessons learned shared by experienced SI intepreters
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 5.25 hours
$56.00 (members)
$100.00 (non-members)
Gastrointestinal Terminology & Knowledge in Consecutive Interpreting
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
Saturday, November 18th, 2017
10:30 am - 1:30 pm
45 Sheppard Avenue East
North York ON M2N 5W9
This workshop aims to assist Chinese-speaking interpreters to use registered knowledge and terminology in medical
interpretation, especially in gastrointestinal cases.
1. Overview of human gastrointestinal system
2. Key medical terms related to human gastrointestinal system including organs, body parts, symptoms and diseases,
diagnoses and treatments
3. Four cases for demonstration and exercises
4. A quiz with 10 questions related to the topic; Q&A; Feedback (Evaluation) form
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 2.75 hours
The Community Interpreter: Training of Trainers
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications
November 13, 2017 - November 18, 2017
6 full day sessions
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Ecker Business Center
6751 Columbia Gateway Drive
Columbia, Maryland
This training will prepare trainers to deliver "The Community Interpreter" ®, a 40-hour program for medical and community interpreters of any spoken language. It grounds interpreters in ethics, standards and professional skills. This is also the only program that offers national
licensing for trainers of medical, educational and social services interpreters.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 42 hours
Interpreting in Mental Health Settings: Ethical Decision Making
Offered by Shifting Pictures and Access Alliance Language Services
Saturday, November 4th, 2017
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
This one-day custom session is based on a 25-hour curriculum currently being taught in British Columbia. This specialized training is intended for interpreters that work, or wish to work in mental health settings. Developed in 1996, this unique training content is premised on the approach of interpreter as member of the mental health team, and explores the particular characteristics of mental health, the intersection of mental health, language and culture, and provides interpreters with skills and techniques to effectively manage their professional role as an interpreter in mental health.
The course explores ethics and ethical dilemmas, vicarious trauma and self-help best practices, the mental health system, mental health conditions, resources, terminology and treatments.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 6.5 hours
$110.00 for OCCI ACIs ($125.00 General Registration)
Spanish/English Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
4 sessions, Saturdays, October 21st & 28th, November 4th & 11th, 2017
2:00p pm - 5:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
This workshop focuses on effective ways to deal with the specific challenges of interpreting into Spanish/English, as well as enhancing the interpretation skills of participants through practical interpretation exercises. Mastery of difficult traits of English and Spanish grammar and pronunciation are covered.
▪ Familiarity with medical, legal, and business terminology in both languages
▪ Awareness of the best available printed and digital resources for interpreters in English and Spanish
▪ Enhanced skills in sight translation and consecutive interpretation in English and Spanish
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Multi-Languages Conference 2017
Offered by Multi-Languages Corporation
Saturday, October 14, 2017
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
University of Toronto
Session 1: Translating and Interpreting Cultural Taboos. Presenter: Marco Fiola, Ryerson University.
Session 3: Legal Interpreting. Presenter: Isabelle Chow, Ministry of the Attorney General
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 1 hour
Interpreting in Medical Settings
Offered by INCommunities (Interpreters Niagara-Hamilton Program)
Wednesday, September 13th, 2017
10:30 am - 1:00 pm
INCommunities Office
235 Martindale Rd., Unit #10
St. Catharines ON L2W 1A5
This workshop allows interpreters to develop their knowledge on common medical terminology, illnesses, challenges, and navigating sensitive topics in the healthcare field. Learn about the services offered by Bridges Community Health Centre, and connect with other interpreters in the field. Spots are limited - RSVP to Liz at
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 2 hours
The Community Interpreter International: Summer Session
Offered by Cross-Cultural Communications
July 24, 2017 - July 28, 2017
5 full day sessions (Monday to Friday)
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Ecker Business Center
6751 Columbia Gateway Drive
Columbia, Maryland
The course covers ethics and conduct, basic skills (from pre-session to post-session), positioning and terminology, modes of interpreting, steps for sight translation, strategies for intervention, cultural mediation, and other vital skills and topics. In addition, this program provides an overview of the interpreting profession and discusses interpreter certification. Role plays, activities and group exercises provide hands-on experience for skills development. Video segments offer demonstrations, and a 453-page textbook (retail: $120) and a 229-page workbook (retail: $60) are included.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 40 hours
US$675.00 + US$70 Language Proficiency Test (paid separately after program registration)
(2017 Fall session: Oct. 6,7,13,14,21)
Family Law and Mediation Interpretation Workshop
Offered by APLI Canada
Saturday, September 16th, 2017
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
New City Hall, Committee Room 3
100 Queen St West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1P5
Interpreters will become more familiarized with what Family Law is about and what to expect during such assignments; as well as the importance of Mediation as a trend that is rapidly growing in Ontario.
OCCI - PD Eligibility: 2.5 hours
Members - $20.00; Non members - $35.00
Sight Translation Skills on Legal Documents (English-Mandarin)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
Sunday, September 17th, 2017
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
45 Sheppard Avenue East
Suite 9F
North York ON M2N 5W9
This workshop aims to assist Mandarin-speaking interpreters in using correct register, knowledge and terminologies through sight translation of the form "JUDICIAL INTERIM RELEASE ORDER/RECOGNIZANCE OF BAIL".
1. Explore sight translation challenges of this form
2. Study and understand the procedures related to this form
3. Study and discuss the terminologies related to this form
4. Practice English-Mandarin sight translation content of this form
(Please note that this workshop is language specific)
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 4 hours
Advanced Court Interpreter Training (Online)
Offered by MCIS Language Solutions
July 4, 2017 - July 27, 2017
6 three-hour online sessions
(via Adobe Connect)
6;00 pm to 9:00 pm
July 4, 6, 11, 13, 18 ,20, 25, and 27.
Led by a team of accomplished facilitators who are accredited court interpreters with the Ministry of the Attorney General, this course is focused on skill and vocabulary building in the context of court interpretation. Key topics include: Canada's System of Justice, the Court System, Criminal Law, Theft, Indecency, Ballistics, Firearms, Sexual Assault, Murder, and general court decorum and etiquette. Another essential component of the training is the preparation for the Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG) court interpreter accreditation exam.
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 27 hours
$490.00 + HST
Sight Translation Skills on Legal Documents (English-Mandarin)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
Sunday, June 18th, 2017
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
45 Sheppard Avenue East
Suite 9F
North York ON M2N 5W9
This workshop aims to assist Mandarin-speaking interpreters in using correct register, knowledge and terminologies through sight translation of the form "JUDICIAL INTERIM RELEASE ORDER/RECOGNIZANCE OF BAIL".
1. Explore sight translation challenges of this form
2. Study and understand the procedures related to this form
3. Study and discuss the terminologies related to this form
4. Practice English-Mandarin sight translation content of this form
(Please note that this workshop is language specific)
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 4 hours
Sight Translation Skills on Legal Documents (English-Mandarin)
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
Sunday, April 23rd, 2017
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
45 Sheppard Avenue East
Suite 9F
North York ON M2N 5W9
This workshop aims to assist Mandarin-speaking interpreters in using correct register, knowledge and terminologies through sight translation of the form "JUDICIAL INTERIM RELEASE ORDER/RECOGNIZANCE OF BAIL".
1. Explore sight translation challenges of this form
2. Study and understand the procedures related to this form
3. Study and discuss the terminologies related to this form
4. Practice English-Mandarin sight translation content of this form
(Please note that this workshop is language specific)
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 4 hours
Medical Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
2 sessions, Saturdays, April 8th and April 22nd, 2017
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Interpreters will be introduced to the most common diseases they are likely to encounter in health care interpreting assignments: heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Topics covered are their symptoms, diagnosing tools, and treatments. This workshop will have presentations interspersed with practical in-class activities, and it will include a section on challenges in the health care field, including mental health and geriatrics.
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Refugee Law Presentation for Interpreters
Offered by APLI Canada
Saturday, March 11, 2017
9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Location: to be announced
Guest speaker, lawyer Maureen Silcoff, will conduct a presentation about the laws relating to refugees in Canada, focusing on topics of interest to interpreters working in refugee-related services and settings. A question and answer period will follow.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 2.0 hours
Members - $20.00 Non-Members - $30.00
coLAB Toronto Interpreting Intensive
Offered by coLAB
July 31 - August 4, 2017
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
CoLab Toronto is a multilingual, peer-based, intensive 28-hour practice experience
for professional conference interpreters, who may have just finished their
degree or who have logged hundreds of days in the booth.
It's a space to practice budding language combinations, new techniques, and
generally take risks in a supportive, work-heavy environment while receiving
feedback. Participants take the role of the interpreter, the speaker, and the client.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Court Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
3 sessions, Saturdays, March 4th, 11th, and 18th, 2017
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Seneca College Part-time Studies - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Language Interpreter Training Workshops
Learn advanced note-taking skills in the source language; modes of interpretation and strategies for competency and proficiency; role plays, and mock trials. Opportunity for skills enhancement for both professional and novice court interpreters. Get tips on MAG accreditation exam.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 12 hours
"Remaining Professional while Facing Challenging Situations"
Offered by Access Alliance Language Services
Saturday, February 18, 2017
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Toronto City Hall, Members Lounge
100 Queen Street West, Toronto, M5H 2N2
Melanie Oda will deliver a dynamic review of the Interpreter Ethical Principles and Standards of Practice, and then engage participants in exploring strategies to remain professional and within the boundaries of the role in some of the more challenging situations encountered by interpreters.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 2.5 hours
Building Resources / Open Forum on Current Issues
Offered by APLI
Saturday, January 28th, 2017
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Scarborough Civic Centre
The event is divided into two parts: (1) 10:00-11:30 - Interpreters will work in facilitated groups to build language-specific resources on legal, medical and other fields where interpreters currently work (The first part is eligible for OCCI PDU's). (2) 11:45 - 1:00 - An open forum to discuss current issues in the field of language interpreting.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 1.5 hours
Cardiovascular Disease Training for Language Professionals - Online Course
Offered by MCIS
Available as of November 3, 2016
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the main causes of disability and premature death in North America, and all over the world. In addition, it is one of the diseases responsible to the increasing cost of healthcare. This four-hour online training aims to assist translators and interpreters in honing their skills, expanding their knowledge base, and expanding their vocabulary base within the context of cardiovascular diseases.
• Introduction to Cardiovascular Disease
• Symptoms and Causes
• Inflammatory Heart Disease
• Prevention and Disease Management
The program has been developed with the support of healthcare professionals, but with an emphasis on assignment preparation and skills development for language professionals. Throughout the program you will be able to practice with translation, simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, sight translation, and other vocabulary and knowledge building exercises.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 4 hours
$95.00 + HST
Medical Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
2 sessions, Saturdays, December 3rd and 10th, 2016
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Interpreters will be introduced to the most common diseases they are likely to encounter in health care interpreting assignments: heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Topics covered are their symptoms, diagnosing tools, and treatments. This workshop will have presentations interspersed with practical in-class activities, and it will include a section on challenges in the health care field, including mental health and geriatrics.
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Court Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College.
3 sessions, Saturdays: Oct. 29, Nov. 5, and Nov. 12, 2016
9;00 am - 2:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
This three-day workshop provides practical training and hands-on experience in legal/court interpretation by using transcripts of actual courtroom discourse. The workshop aims to prepare participants for the mandatory court interpreter testing accreditation/certification.
Participants will have the opportunity to learn advanced note-taking skills in the source language; modes of interpretation and strategies for competency and proficiency; perform role plays, and have mock trial activities. Participants will also get tips on MAG accreditation exam.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 12 hours
Improving Health Equity and Access to Language Services
Offered by Healthcare Interpretation Network
Tuesday, October 25th, 2016
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
519 Community Centre, 519 Wellesley, Toronto
As part of HIN's Annual General Meeting, this is a presentation about newcomer integration and access to healthcare services, and the role of interpretation as an enabler for Health Equity.
Guest speaker, Branka Agic, MD, PhD Manager of Health Equity at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Assistant Professor and Associate Field Director, MScCH Addictions and Mental Health at the University of Toronto.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibiity: 1 hour
Interpreting in an Emerging Area of Care: Medical Assistance in Dying
Offered by Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services
Saturday, October 15th, 2016
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
AccessPoint on Danforth - 3079 Danforth Avenue, Toronto M1L 1A8
The purpose of this workshop is to increase interpreters' familiarity with the history, current practice, terminology, and issues faced in this area of care, and to explore best practices regarding language support services for the various stakeholders involved.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibiilty: 2.75 hours
Best Practices for Self-Employed Interpreters
Offered by APLI Canada
Saturday, September 10th, 2016
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Committee Room #1, New City Hall, 100 Queen St. West, Toronto
Recommendations on best practices while navigating through the world of self-employment.
9:30 - 10:00 - Welcome and Registration
10:00 - 10:45 -Working as a Language Interpreter – Recommendations on best practices while navigating through the world of self-employment
11:00 1:00 - Workshop and Q & A
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 2.5 hours
$20.00 for APLI Members; $35.00 for non-APLI members
Medical Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
2 sessions, Saturdays, August 6th & 13th, 2016
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
What are the most common diseases you will encounter in your interpreting assignments? What are their symptoms, diagnosing tools, and treatments? This workshop will have presentations interspersed with practical in-class exercises, and it will include a section on challenges in the health care field, including mental health.
OCCI- ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Court Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
2 sessions, Saturdays, June 25th & July 16th, 2016
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Seneca College Part-time Studies - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Language Interpreter Training Workshops
Learn advanced note-taking skills in the source language; modes of interpretation and strategies for competency and proficiency; role plays, and mock trials. Enhancement of skills for both professional and novice court interpreters. Get tips on MAG accreditation exam.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 12 hours
Spanish/English Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
2 sessions, Fridays, June 17th & July 15th, 2016
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Seneca College Newnham College - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Expect a lot of interpretation practice, access to useful resources, and lively discussion on issues specific to this language over two six-hour Saturday sessions for both current and potential interpreters.
HIN Recruitment Fair
Offered by Healthcare Interpretation Network (HIN)
Saturday, June 11th, 2016
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
North York Memorial Community Hall - 5120 Yonge St., North York
The HIN Recruitment Fair is your opportunity to network with other interpreters and meet with language service providers and training institutions to help build your interpretation career. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to meet others and promote yourself. Bring copies of your résumés and business cards!
This year our panel discussion will be “Quality Assurance in Interpretation".
Admission Cost: HIN members free, non member attendees $10 payable at the door.
Medical Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
2 sessions, Saturdays,April 16th & April 23rd, 2016
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus: 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Interpreters will be introduced to the most common diseases they are likely to encounter in health care interpreting assignments: heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Topics covered are their symptoms, diagnosing tools, and treatments. This workshop will have presentations interspersed with practical in-class activities, and it will include a section on challenges in the health care field, including mental health and geriatrics.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop - Part II
Offered by APLI Canada
Saturday, April 9th, 2016
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
New City Hall, 100 Queen St. West, Toronto
Interpreters will continue to advance their skills in simultaneous interpretation, as well as be provided with coping tactics to keep up with simultaneous interpreting efficiently throughout the speech. Participants will continue to practice exercises on enhancing short-term memory, decalage, speech analysis, and split attention.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 3.0 hours
Respecting Patient Privacy and Confidentiality - Interpreter Best Practices
Presented by Healthcare Interpretation Network
Thursday, February 4, 2015
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hospital for Sick Children, ist Floor, Black Wing
Main Rotunda and Room 1250
555 University Avenue. Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
3:30 - 4:00 - Registration and Refreshments in Main Rotunda
4:00 - 5:00 - Speaker Presentations and Q&A (Rm 1250)
5:00 - 6:00 HIN Meeting, Vote*
OCCI ACI PD Eligibility : 1.0 hour
Legal Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
3 sessions, Saturdays, Feb. 27th, Mar. 5th, Mar. 12th, 2016
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus: 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Learn advanced note-taking skills; practice modes of interpretation and acquire strategies for competency and proficiency. Participants will join role plays as well as mock trials. Workshop features enhancement of skills for both professional and novice court interpreters, and provides tips on the MAG accreditation exam.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 12 hours
Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop
Offered by APLI Canada
Saturday, Feb. 20th, 2016
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
New City Hall, 100 Queen St. West, Toronto
Interpreters will be introduced to simultaneous interpretation, venues where simultaneous interpreting is used, and coping tactics to keep up with simultaneous interpreting efficiently throughout the speech. Participants will be also encouraged to practice exercises on enhancing short-term memory, dècalage, speech analysis, and split attention.
OCCI - ACI Eligibiity: 3 hours
Voir Dire
Offered by APLI Canada
Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
New City Hall, 100 Queen St. West, Toronto
OCCI ACI PD hours - Google Sheets#gid=0
Challenges to interpreter’s competence will be explored. Interpreters will be introduced to a Voir Dire and some helpful tips how to prepare for a Voir Dire will be provided. The presentation will be followed by group discussion, small group work and practicing answering the Voir Dire questions.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 3 hours
Medical Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
2 sessions, Saturdays, Nov. 14 - Nov. 21, 2015
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus: 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Interpreters will be introduced to the most common diseases they are likely to encounter in health care interpreting assignments: heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Topics covered are their symptoms, diagnosing tools, and treatments. This workshop will have presentations interspersed with practical in-class activities, and it will include a section on challenges in the health care field, including mental health and geriatrics.
OCCi - ACI PD Eligibility: 10 hours
Multi-Languages Annual Conference
Offered by Multi-Languages Corporation
Saturday, Nov. 21, 2015
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Universityof Toronto
This year's event features presentations by Anita Tancredi (Interpretation Services, Hospital for Sick Children), Nicole Wirtz (Translations, Cancer Care Ontario), Merling Sapene (Project Management /Communication, Bombardier), Sally Bean (Bioethicist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre – University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics), and Suzanne Deliscar (Lawyer-Linguist, Deliscar Professional Corporation)
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 4 hours
Court Interpretation Workshop
Offered by Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
3 sessions, Saturdays, Nov. 28 - Dec. 12, 2015
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus: 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
Learn advanced note-taking skills; practice modes of interpretation and acquire strategies for competency and proficiency. Participants will join role plays as well as mock trials. Workshop features enhancement of skills for both professional and novice court interpreters, and provides tips on the MAG accreditation exam.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 15 hours
Infectious Disease Workshop for Interpreters
Offered by Access Alliance Language Services
Thursday, October 29, 2015
4:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Kensington Gardens, 45 Brunswick Ave., Toronto
A workshop designed for interpreters working on assignments in infectious disease clinics, to learn more about the infectious diseases commonly encountered in healthcare in Ontario, explore myths and stigmas about working in infectious disease settings, review best practices for infection prevention and control, including some hands-on practice donning personal protective equipment.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibiity: 2 hours
"Remaining Professional while Facing Challenging Situations"
Offered by APLI Canada
Saturday, September 12, 2015
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
North York Civic Centre
On September 12, APLI Canada presents guest speaker Melanie Oda who will explore strategies for remaining professional during even the most challenging encounters and assignments.
OCCI - ACI PD Eligibility: 3.5 hours
The Fundamental Preparation For Your First Assignment
Offered by CITG Certificate Interpreters & Translators Ltd.
(Please note this is a workshop for Mandarin Interpreters)
Date: July 21st, 2019
45 Sheppard Ave. East Suite 900, Toronto, ON, M2N5W9
1. Resume for entry-level interpreters
1.1. How to properly prepare your resume
1.2. What are potential employers looking for
1.3. Layout and visual impact
1.4. Additional add-ons and eye-grabbers
2. Getting ready for your very first encounter
2.1. The first encounter for parole hearing or assignments in correctional centers
2.1.1. What to expect (Stereotypes, signal loss, and long journey)
2.1.2. Preparation & Glossary
2.2. The first encounter for New Immigration Center
2.2.1. What to expect (Pre-encounter)
2.2.2. Preparation & Glossary
2.3. The first encounter for CAST
2.3.1. What to expect
2.3.2. On-site vs. home visit (Child Access/Foster Family)
2.3.3. Preparation & Glossary
2.4. The first encounter for Healthcare Assignments
2.4.1. What to expect
2.4.2. N95 Fit-test, Vulnerable Sector Screening check and AODA
2.4.3. Hospital vs Clinic/Community Health Center vs Rehab center
2.4.4. Vulnerable patients & Caseworker/Case manager
2.4.5. Preparation & Glossary
2.5. The first encounter for Teacher & Parents Meeting
2.5.1. What to expect (Types of meetings)
2.5.2. Preparation & Glossary
2.6. The first encounter for Mediation & Family Law
2.6.1. What to expect
2.6.2. Preparation & Glossary
2.7. The first encounter for Community Probation & Parole Assignments
2.7.1. What to expect
2.7.2. Preparation & Glossary
3. Additional Tips and Advice
3.1. What to do when made a mistake (F2F vs remote)
3.2. Feedback forms and completion sheets
3.3. Additional costs (Parking, tolls & long distance journey)
OCCI-ACI PDU eligibility: 3 hrs
$100 for ACIs
Medical Interpreting Workshop
Offered by Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
Newnham campus
1750 Finch Avenue East, Toronto
Sep 13 - Oct 4
Participants must be fluent in 2 languages (English/other).
This 12 hour workshop helps interpreters become better acquainted with the current field of Health Care Interpretation within the realm of the more common diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In addition, through scripted roles plays of case scenarios, participants are exposed to challenging situations related to mental illness and geriatrics. During the workshop, a glossary of medical terms will be created for participant's future reference.
OCCI-ACI PDUs: 12 hrs
Medical Interpreting Workshop
Offered by Seneca College
Multiple session workshop, Fridays Sept 13 - Oct 4
7 - 10:00 pm
Seneca College Newnham Campus - 1750 Finch Avenue East (near Hwy 404)
This workshop helps interpreters become better acquainted with the current field of Health Care Interpretation within the realm of the more common diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In addition, through scripted roles plays of case scenarios, participants are exposed to challenging situations related to mental illness and geriatrics. During the workshop, a glossary of medical terms will be created for participant's future reference.
Please note - Participants must be fluent in 2 languages (English/other) and have successfully completed Seneca's LNI101, LNI102 and LNI103 and/or previous experience in medical interpretation.
OCCI- ACI PDU eligibility: 10 hrs
Please excuse our appearance - we are transitioning this section. Soon, the Events page will feature OCCI hosted events, and all other Interpreter PD events/workshops/opportunites will be listed in a searchable, table on the Interpreter PD Listings page, which is live now with upcoming events listed for you to review.