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College and University Programs
Upcoming LITP info sessions:
The proposed framework will require new and prospective interpreters to complete their competency training through the Language Interpreter Training Programs (LITP) delivered by community colleges and universities. Please follow the links to learn more about the Ontario colleges offering the LITP.
Click here to see the OCCI's tiers of accreditation.
Experienced and previously trained interpreters may be recognized through the College PLAR process. Applicants trained prior to January 1, 2015 will be evaluated according to established OCCI accreditation requirements for recognition of core competency training.
Be sure to visit the Events & PD page to learn about upcoming interpreter professional development opportunities.
Wed., Oct. 2nd, 2019 6:00 pm
1345 St. Clair Ave. West, 2nd Floor
Toronto M6E 1C3
(St. Clair & Lansdowne)
Click here for more information
Seneca College LITP
Thu., Apr. 19, 2018 7:00 pm
Newnham Campus, Building D
1750 Finch Ave E, North York, ON M2J 2X5
For all other colleges, please follow their links below for infomation about the LITP programs offered there.
Glendon College offers a two-year Masters in Conference Interpreting program.
Community-based Training and
Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR)
The Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) component is being developed to ensure a standardized mechanism through which community interpreters may obtain recognition for the competency training they received outside the formal LITP education program.
Colleges offering the LITP program may recognize previous experience and education in the field to allow you to be exempted from up to a maximum of four of six courses based on your individual PLAR assessment. Please contact the individual colleges listed above for more information.
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